New York City, NY: My First Solo Trip

Hello and welcome to my first blog!

So, as you guessed from the title of the blog, it is about my first solo trip to New York. You might be like WAIT, did she just say New York? Yes, I said and you read it right. I went on my first ever solo trip to New York over the fall break from October 12-16.

It was fun to be on my own. I got to see go to so many places that I had just seen in the pictures. Places that I visited are Central Park, fifth avenue, times square, Washington Square Park, New York State University, Empire State Building, Hudson yard, the vessel, world trade center, battery park, 9/11 memorial park, financial district, wall street, New York stock exchange, New York public library, Grand Central Terminal, United Nations, and Statue of Liberty.

Timeline of places I visited when I was in New York:

Day 1: Central Park, Fifth Avenue, Times Square

Day 2: Madison Square Garden, Penn Station, Washington Square Park, New York State University, Empire State Building, Hudson Yard and the Vessel

Day 3: World Trade Center, 9/11 Memorial Park, Financial District, Wall Street, New York Stock Exchange

Day 4: New York Public Library, Grand Central Terminal, United Nations, Statue of Liberty

How did I decide what places did I want go to on a particular day? A day before I flew to New York, I looked at what places are closer to what and if I can walk from one place to another. Like all the places I went on Day 3 were within walking distance from one another. But I also needed to give myself some rest since it was hot and I was walking a lot in heat, so, I would go back to my hotel every afternoon and rest and leave once it was good outside. For Statue of Liberty, I was only able to take tour on the cruise and not able to go to the island since it was still closed for COVID-19.

What was the highlight of the trip?: The highlight of the trip was seeing everything I saw plus being able to see some family and eat homemade food. Another highlight of my trip was when I was at Washington Square Park, I was able to see filming of the movie.

Souvenir Shop:

  1. Hotel Edison (228 W 47th St, New York, NY 10036)

Places I went to eat at:

  1. Freidman’s At The Edison (228 W 47th St, New York, NY 10036)

  2. Patiala (371 W 34th St, New York, NY 10001)

  3. Curry India (148 W 49th St # 2, New York, NY 10019)

Link to some pictures from the trip: Pictures

Some tools that came in handy for the trip:


Phone with a camera

Google maps


Power bank

Water bottle

Additional details about the trip:

Airlines: United Airlines United Airlines

Hotels: Hotel Edison (228 W 47th St, New York, NY 10036)

Website for hotel booking: Expedia

New York City on a map


Omaha, NE