Washington DC

Washington DC has forever been my dream city to visit and now I had the opportunity to go visit the city. This past weekend I had the opportunity to go to Washington DC for Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice (IFTJ) where I got to learn a lot about migration and ecological issues. The theme for this year was Boundless and Beyond. Throughout the conference, we got to learn from a lot of different speakers as a big group and through breakout sessions. For the breakout sessions, I got the chance to go to listen about migration and my favorite speaker was a woman from Venezuela who courage to talk about her journey to the US. Monday was the advocacy day where we got to meet a staff member from our state representative to talk about migration and ecology; I got to meet a staff member from representative Mike Flood’s office. Even though we had a lot going on with the conference we had the opportunity to go explore the city a little and have some delicious food.

Places we visited:

Day 1: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Day 2: White House, Monuments

Day 3: Capitol, Supreme Court

Places we went to eat at:

  1. Sampannee (2122 P St NW Washington DC 20037 )

  2. Bibibop Asian Grill (1516 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20036)

  3. Dolcezza Gelato and Coffee (1704 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington DC 20009 )

  4. Burrito Brothers of Capitol Hill (205 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Washington DC 20003)

Some helpful tools for the trial:

Phone with camera

Google maps

Reusable bottle


Reusable bags

Additional details about the trip:

The hotel that we stayed at: Washington Hilton (1919 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20009)

Airlines: Southwest Airlines


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New Orleans, LA